
Showing posts from May, 2012

javascript - Moving a canvas element around on webpage -

i have local web server on raspberry pi using kiosk rotating photos. trying include coolclock.js script on page have working, canvas clock lives in move when photo changes doesn't burned in on tv pi hooked to. cannot clock move on page though... function rotateimages() { var canvas = document.getelementbyid('clockid'); alert(; alert(; if(last==1){'url('+preloads2.src+')'; num=math.floor(math.random()*preloads.length); preloads1.src=preloads[num]; last=2; = '0px'; = '0px'; } else{'url('+preloads1.src+')'; num=math.floor(math.random()*preloads.length); preloads2.src=preloads[num]; last=1; = '500px'; = '500px'; } } var myvar=setinterval(function(){rotateimages()},

c# - How can I use readbyte function faster -

i'm using serialport in c# , code this: filestream myfile = new filestream(strfiledestination, filemode.append); binarywriter bwfile = new binarywriter(myfile); bwfile.write(serialport1.readexisting()); bwfile.close(); myfile.close(); when use bwfile.write(serialport1.readbyte()); instead of bwfile.write(serialport1.readexisting()); , writing speed in file decreases 130 kb/s 28 kb/s , when use bwfile.write((byte)serialport1.readbyte()); , writing speed decreases 7 kb/s. want know how can write in file third command , have speed 130 kb/s. have considered using stream write data? don't think using features binarywriter offers on stream.write. simply call copyto() method stream destination = new filestream(...) myfile.copyto(destination); which under hood calling following code: byte[] buffer = new byte[buffersize]; int read; while ((read =, 0, buffer.length)) != 0) { destination.write(buffer, 0, read); } have @ po

iis - Passing ASP.NET auth session from one webapp to another -

hope can articulate well. i've case we've front facing website hosted on iis under single application pool. now, create extension of front facing website , plan host under new application pool. some facts * user auth uses asp membership provider * users login via front facing site * front facing site web forms based question: there way seamlessly re-use authenticated session front facing site sub-site (different iis app pools)? tia. yes, if give both applications same machinekey should work. some documentation here:

javascript - Print Variable To Input Field Element -

hi have input , wondering how can print value based on it's id? <input name="field[34]" id="field34" class="input-text required-entry validate-field-hint-34 webforms-fields-hint" style="" value="e.g: nx15 nam" onfocus="if (this.value == 'e.g: nx15 nam') {this.value = ''; $(this).removeclassname('webforms-fields-hint');}" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'e.g: nx15 nam'; $(this).addclassname('webforms-fields-hint');}" type="text"> i have script takes value of url , turns variable. want print variable input field. var querystring = function () { // function anonymous, executed , // return value assigned querystring! var query_string = {}; var query =; var vars = query.split("&"); (var i=0;i<vars.length;i++) { var pair = vars[i].split("="); // if

java - Set file path on FTPClient -

i'm new java programming , using apache commons net ftp upload text files ftp server. however, seems can upload files on same directory program .. when set file path : "c:\users\packard\documents\projectsjava\fugelessons\outputfile.txt" , throws no errors, when check ftp, there nothing, has not been uploaded . here code i'm using : import; import; import; public class ftp{ private final string host = ""; private final string user = "user"; private final string pass = "pass"; public static void main(string[] args) { ftp client = new ftp(); client.ftpupload("c:\\users\\packard\\documents\\projectsjava\\fugelessons\\outputfile.txt"); } public string ftpupload(string filename){ ftpclient client = new ftpclient(); fileinputstream fis = null; try { client.

java - How to achieve transaction behaviour with file persisted Chronicle Map -

all, i trying store time series in chronicle map. series split chunks, , every chunk separate map entry. wondering if knows going happen if jvm exits while entry being written chronicle map (while bytesmarshaller serialising)?? would memory mapped file end corrupt data?? there work around?? when new entry put chronicle map, commited single atomic operation. i. e. if jvm exits @ arbitrary moment, during put operation, might catch following effects: map.size() out if sync actual data, +- 1 memory leaked (the memory used store entry) but guaranteed not have: a corrupted entry (which being put when jvm exited), wrong key or wrong value put correct key, observable in way: neither querying key nor iteration any other entries, present in map moment of jvm exit, corrupted. no contract/behavioral change chronicle map instance, mapped same file, in parallel instance in jvm exit, or mapped after (e. g., when jvm started again). in particular, able put entry key, bei

Android overscroll bounce animation on gridview -

i want create on scroll bounce animation in gridview . i have searched long time still not find way implement on scroll bounce animation gridview , came across flow home launcher , wonder how did devs achieve animation when scrolling app list , better if can attach video . i realise there many apps doing on scroll animation how? the following screenshorts flow home launcher perhaps this repo on github - provides over-scroll 'bounce' effect seems you're looking for, trick you. it works on many scrollable core android views - 1 of gridview: given gridview object @ hand, apply effect follows: gridview gridview = ... overscrolldecoratorhelper.setupoverscroll(gridview); note: haven't specified context is. assuming you're implementing activity, should done upon creation (i.e. in oncreate()). to include in project, add project's dependencies { // ... compile 'me.everything:overscroll-decor-android:1.0.0

image - Resize to 3 different size at a time to different path using intervention in laravel 5.0 -

i trying resize images in laravel 4.2 using intervention, want move images 2 different folders @ time. if run below code if(input::hasfile('product_images')) { $images = input::file('product_images'); foreach($images $image) { if($image->isvalid()) { $file_name = microtime(); $file_name = str_replace(' ', '_', $file_name); $file_name = str_replace('.', '_', $file_name); $file_name = $file_name . '.' . $image->getclientoriginalextension(); $file_name = $image->getclientoriginalextension(); $image->move(public_path() . '/uploads/', $file_name); $file = image::make(sprintf('uploads/%s', $file_name))->resize(800, 600)->save(); it(above code) runs proper uploads folder but, if create folder called thumbnail inside uploads & add below line i'll error as...., ("intervention\image\exception\notreadableexceptio

how to move config xml files from WEB-INF to resources in java spring? -

i study java spring. configure spring 4+hibernate4. have done so: hibernate-config.xml: <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:tx="" xmlns:p="" xsi:schemalocation=""> <bean id="datasource" class="com.mchange.v2.c3p0.combopooleddatasource" destroy-method="close"> <property name="driverclass" value="com.mysql.jdbc.driver"/> <property name="jdbcurl" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/springdb?autoreconnect=true"/> <pr

c++ - Forwarding template parameters -

i trying forward template parameter parent class (from subclass), getting following error when trying so; error: type/value mismatch @ argument 1 in template parameter list ‘template<class a, class b> class baseclass’ class subclass : public baseclass<subclass, b> { ^ error: expected type, got ‘subclass’ here code trying run; #include <cstdlib> template<typename a, typename b> class baseclass { }; template<typename b> class subclass : public baseclass<subclass, b> { // trying forward b second parameter }; int main(void) { return exit_success; } i have tried prefixing b typename , following error instead; error: type/value mismatch @ argument 1 in template parameter list ‘template<class a, class b> class baseclass’ class subclass : public baseclass<subclass, typename b> {

Soundcloud - Ruby creating a Playlist getting 422 (#soundcloud-ruby) -

i suspect @ soundcloud has changed because code has not been altered , worked fine last year. i see: error: http status: 422 unprocessable entity, status code: 422, playlist_struct:{:title=>"y11 - revo - sop", :description=>"y11 - revo - sop newchoir", :tag_list=>"sop", :tracks=>"219269586", :format=>"json", :oauth_token=>"..."} my oauth_token works fine. i call: new_playlist ='/playlists', playlist_struct) where @client defined using as: @client ={ :client_id => clientid, :client_secret => clientsecret, :username => email, :password => password }) and playlist_struct per error message. thoughts appreciated! regards, m. full code: r

java - Is it appropriate to use the Decorator Pattern while extending RecyclerView.Adapter? -

i've written footeradapter seems work perfectly. i realised viewholder has field mposition among others hold state in each element leading me suspect header not achievable usage of decorator pattern, because hold different position in each adapter . that is, except if wrapper/decorator adapter didn't alter other elements. say: footers ok, long data not need binded them. if wrapper adapters possible need more access viewholder? i'm not sure how fields intended usage: headerview = new view( context ); footerview = new view( context ); myadapter myadapter = new myadapter(); headeradapter headeradapter = new headeradapter( myadapter , headerview ); footeradapter footeradapter = new footeradapter( headeradapter , footerview ); recyclerview recyclerview = new recyclerview(); recyclerview.setadapter( footeradapter ); this cool, because add headers & footers arbitrary adapter , not have worry indexing , offsetting item counts. publi

ios - swift dynamic numbers of line -

i work ios 8 swift have textfield table cell. if put in textfield short text, have no problems. but there long text, end of cut, this: "this exmaple of ..." how can set dynamic second line in textfield, if text long it? i not have code because dont know how can solve situation. uitextfield can contains 1 line of text. component need uitextview .

rest - java ee lookup ejbs from from different app -

java ee tutorial not helpful @ all. internet search underwhelming. i have ejb module deployed glassfish itself. has @local , @remote annotated iterfaces both implemented concrete class. then have rest resource needs reference ejb module , invoke methods. can give me barebones, simple example of how done? mean, can't inject sessioncontext rest app, crashes... please, keep simple. the ejb should have a: public string getmsg(){ return "ohai"; } the rest service: @get @produces("text/plain") public string asd(){ return <the myterious ejb injected somehow>.getmsg(); } thanks. alright, figured out. using netbeans, applicable eclipse. server - glassfish create webapp, ejb -> call ejb webapp. these run inside same server separate modules. first: create ejb module, deployed on own: remote interface: package main; import javax.ejb.remote; @remote public interface yourremoteinterface{ public string tellmesomethi

SAX parser error in my persistence.xml file -

i trying figure out error in persistence file , need expert guidance in helping me resolve this. persistence file looks like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <persistence xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemalocation="" version="2.1"> <persistence-unit name="archiveticket"> <provider>org.hibernate.ejb.hibernatepersistence</provider> <non-jta-data-source>jdbc/archivedbdatasource</non-jta-data-source> <class>blah blah</class> <class>blah blah</class> <class>blah blah</class> <class>blah blah</class> <class>blah blah</class> <class>blah blah</class>

android - running Google speech locally with no external server? -

just not miss out, there way run google speech locally without having go google server-- without internet connection? google speech api , using google speech api , android: speech recognition without using google server , several other resources say/hint "no". this voice text. input speech microphone, output speech in text. note: i'm aware of sphinx among other speech recognizers. i'll bring in q. q out of interest in google-speech performance reasons. tia. //--------------------------------------- edit: i'm looking runs on desktop-- windows , not on android. the user can download offline speech recognition package, jellybean (api 16) only. @ least 9% of devices less api 16 , therefore not compatible application. in addition 9% devices not have offline speech recognition enabled due hardware constraints. please note offline speech recognition battery , processor expensive feature.

sql server - SQL row to column using nested Case statement -

i trying nested case statement work in stages working have nested case statement complains syntax. have looked @ many examples , can't see have gone wrong. what wish achieve row per policytransactionid (set in clause) each account code column. worked me, turns error adding nested entry @ debit/credit entry , turning number negative appropriate. attempt far attached.!6/8db47/3 create table [dbo].[policytransactionsplits]( [policytransactionsplitid] [int] not null, [policytransactionid] [int] not null, [accountcode] [int] not null, [accountdesc] [nvarchar](max) null, [transactiontype] [nvarchar](max) null, [amount] [decimal](18, 2) not null, [adjusted] [bit] not null default ((0)) ) ; insert policytransactionsplits ([policytransactionsplitid], [policytransactionid], [accountcode], [accountdesc], [transactiontype], [amount], [adjusted]) values (1551,1096,1000,'total transaction premium','debit',5

postgresql - How to run the same function on different schemas -

i have multiple schemas / user same structure different data. there stored functions executed on these data, , far, stored in each schema. i'd store these functions in new schema, make easier, updating code, ... centralized. i thought, search_path defined "$user",public reference user of current session / connection, hence queries different schemas have same search_path. let's have table t1 users u1, u2, u3 , function uses table f1 . originally, f1 in copied schemas u1, u2, u3 , running select * f1() work each user. updating function become increasingly difficult number of users, want have new schema functions 1 f1 function inside. now, running select * functions.f1() returns error, t1 couldn't found. users search_path s contain still same information. why search_path change based on function executing it, , how can prevent happening? there mail on postgres mailing list:

12factor - Where to store SSL certificates for a 12-factor app -

a twelve factor app expected store configuration in environment . is intended include ssl certificate , key files, can "large" (multiples of kb @ least), , (depending on format), contain non-printable characters (newlines @ minimum). or environment expected point cert/key file names? (this seems perhaps non-ideal when trying deploy via docker, instance--we don't want store private keys in docker image, we? maybe that's separate question.) there different kinds of configuration elements. motivation 12 factor apps store configuration in environment specific goal: make easy redeployed elsewhere in new environment. thus, configuration elements qualify go environment contribute towards goal. other domain or application specific configuration elements can remain bundled application's local or technology specific configuration method of choice. for ssl certificates, appears these not change environment environment, not bound keep them in environment v

c++ - 'SerialStream' does not name a type -

i'm using ubuntu 14.04. want use libserial project described here . installed library using sudo apt-get install libserial-dev . i've written little program (well, it's not program): #include "serialstream.h" #include <iostream> #define port "/dev/ttyusb0" serialstream ardu; using namespace std; using namespace libserial; but compiler says: ‘serialstream’ not name type any help? edit: after placing serialstream ardu after namespace-line problem more strange: g++ main.cpp -o arducom /tmp/ccnzzing.o: in funktion `main': main.cpp:(.text+0x7a): not defined reference `libserial::serialstream::open(std::string, std::_ios_openmode)' main.cpp:(.text+0x12d): not defined reference `libserial::serialstream::setbaudrate(libserial::serialstreambuf::baudrateenum)' main.cpp:(.text+0x181): not defined reference `libserial::serialstream::setcharsize(libserial::serialstreambuf::charsizeenum)' main.cpp:(.text+0x1d5): not defined r

bash - list users with quota over specified value in linux -

i have been spending lot of time trying create quota check script , have not gotten results need. i using loop iterate awk command search value greater 3000000. base of command output quota: for in `awk '{print $2}' /etc/userdomains | grep -v "nobody" | sort -u` quota -v -u $i done output per iteration: disk quotas user exampleuser (uid 2599): filesystem blocks quota limit grace files quota limit grace /dev/sda1 8 0 0 10 0 0 /dev/sdb1 0 0 0 0 0 0 /dev/sdc1 57792 0 0 2511 0 0 /dev/sdd1 0 0 0 0 0 0 /dev/sde1 0 0 0 0 0 0 i intend pipe awk command print line 1; field 5 , line equal or greater 3; field 2 if field 2 greater 50000 so wanted output be: exampleuser

html - get content of <li> tags with beautifulsoup in python -

i want content of first 3 <li> tag after <section> tag, don't know how manipulate children tag in beautifulsoap, tried strip text , want splitting wasn't successful. this html code : <section class="l-map"> <ul> <li>خیابان شریعتی، روبروی پارک کوروش، Ú©ÙˆÚ†Ù‡ پیروز، پلاک 48 </li> <li>22855157 22852085</li> <li>شریعتی:قلهک، سید خندان </li> </ul> <div class="foot"> <a class="dm fancy" href="#contact" id="inline">پیام مستقیم به مدیر</a> <a class="rm" href="#phonenumber" id="inli

python - Installing Theano with Canopy EPD on windows 7, 64 bit -

i have installed theano on canopy epd, windows 7, 64 bit. while importing theano (for testing @ first time), getting error. can help. thanks. it similar question: installing theano on epd (windows x64) exception: compilation failed (return status=1): c:\users\harish~1\appdata\local\temp\cclhoax7.o: in function unpack_list_of_ssize_t':. c:/users/harish-chandra/appdata/local/theano/compiledir_windows-8-6.2.9200-intel64_family_6_model_58_stepping_9_genuineintel-2.7.9-64/lazylinker_ext/mod.cpp:58: undefined reference to__imp_pyexc_typeerror'. c:/users/harish-chandra/appdata/local/theano/compiledir_windows-8-6.2.9200-intel64_family_6_model_58_stepping_9_genuineintel-2.7.9-64/lazylinker_ext/mod.cpp:68: undefined reference __imp_pyexc_indexerror'. c:\users\harish~1\appdata\local\temp\cclhoax7.o: in functionclazylinker_init':. c:/users/harish-chandra/appdata/local/theano/compiledir_windows-8-6.2.9200-intel64_family_6_model_58_stepping_9_genuineintel-2.7.9-64/lazylinker_

mysql - Update from Inner join syntax -

it seems dont have syntax quite right , have tried few different ways of writing it, doing wrong? update `allranks` set `allranks`.`ranktwo` = `therankings`.`rank` `allranks` inner join `therankings` on (`therankings`.`player name` = `allranks`.`player name`) the correct mysql syntax is: update allranks ar inner join therankings r on ar.`player name` = r.`player name` set ar.ranktwo = r.rank; notice how table aliases make query easier write , read.

python - Flask custom error page 500 not working -

i have following code in @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return render_template('404.html'), 404 @app.errorhandler(500) def internal_server_error(e): return render_template('500.html'), 500 @app.errorhandler(403) def page_forbidden(e): return render_template('403.html'), 500 it used catch 500 errors , show nice 500.html template. moved views separate blueprint files , 500 errorhandler not work. handler though. 404 works fine. if server throws 500 error, display default chrome internal server error message , not template. did wrong when created blueprints create issue? here entire file import datetime import mysql.connector import os flask import flask, render_template, session, request, blueprint flask.ext.moment import moment flask.ext.login import loginmanager db_classes import user info import info_blueprint claims import claims_blueprint users import users_blueprint members import members_bl

string substitution in python - unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'list' and 'str' -

i'm stuck simple piece of code, i'm sure it's silly mistake, hope can point out me. here code have: a = ['_a','_b','_c'] data_template = ['data%s'] f in a: this_data = data_template % (f) print this_data i want print out data_a data_b data_c but following error: typeerror: unsupported operand type(s) %: 'list' , 'str' any advice appreciated! you need use string template: data_template = 'data%s' the % operator works on strings, not on lists.

ssl - How to setup secure tunnel to allow a client to communicate to a websocket? -

i need allow client connect websocket on server server not have ssl installed on have websocket running on port 8080. i need setup secure tunnel allow client connect websocket. i installed stunnel on windows server 2008 r2, , changed stunnel.conf file loke [websockets] accept = 8443 connect = 8080 verify = 2 cafile = ca-certs.pem client = yes i expecting connect server on port 8433 , stunnel allow connection connect port 8080 this code use in client's console "of course, console on pc on internal network" var conn = new websocket('wss://'); conn.onopen = function(e) { console.log("connection established!"); }; conn.onmessage = function(e) { console.log(; }; while on server open command line , execute telnet localhost 8080 i command line , when fire code above console see in server's command line but few seconds later error in console websocket connection 'wss://10.0.4

html - How can I get the label to stay at the top of the select element? -

with html: <h2>where (location / station)</h2> <label for="selwhere">select locations job type selected above</label> <select name="selwhere" id="selwhere" multiple="multiple"> <option value="linecook">line cook</option> <option value="barrista">barrista</option> <option value="securityguard">security guard</option> <option value="fignipper">nipper of figs</option> </select> my label drops bottom of select element: i want @ top, instead. html or css need that? just use vertical-align:top : label{ vertical-align:top; } <label for="selwhere">select locations job type selected above</label> <select name="selwhere" id="selwhere" multiple="multiple"> <option value="linecook">line cook</option> <opti

wordpress - Redirect 2nd level subfolders to subdomains -

we have wordpress multisite subdirectory system this: etc... each of names actual sub site , has own sub pages. have 120+ of such subsites, can guess there lot of pages/url's. we changing subdomain multisite system, , have create redirections old url's new ones (because system linked many other places). question: can have single redirect block in htaccess handle redirections of them? example of need: -> -> -> -> this works me, more tests: rewriteengine on rewritecond %{http_host} ^(www\.)?domain\.com$ rewriterule ^demo/([^/]+)/(.*)$ http://$$2 [l,qsa,r=301] if sees problem in code let me know.

javascript - Rewriting scripts "the Angular way"? -

okay, have pretty basic site i'm working on i'm modifying use mean stack , i'm getting started angular. i'm using's mean starter app base started. far, it's been pretty easy, i've got key components in templates , added them using ng-include. html <title>first angular page</title> <!-- css --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="libs/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css"> <!-- font awesome --> <link href='|montserrat:700|open+sans|sniglet:400,800' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <!-- google fonts --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/mainstyles.css"> <!-- stephie's styles --> <!-- js --> <script src="libs/angular/angular.min.js"></script> <script src="libs/angular-

Xampp can't start apache in Windows 10 -

i updated windows 10 today , need install xampp. when do, have 1 problem. when start apache, gives me following error: this apache log: [sun aug 16 20:31:11.735761 2015] [ssl:warn] [pid 4600:tid 164] ah01909: server certificate not include id matches server name [sun aug 16 20:31:12.230789 2015] [ssl:warn] [pid 4600:tid 164] ah01909: server certificate not include id matches server name [sun aug 16 20:31:13.463859 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 4600:tid 164] ah00455: apache/2.4.16 (win32) openssl/1.0.1p php/5.6.11 configured -- resuming normal operations [sun aug 16 20:31:13.463859 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 4600:tid 164] ah00456: apache lounge vc11 server built: jul 12 2015 10:56:48 [sun aug 16 20:31:13.463859 2015] [core:notice] [pid 4600:tid 164] ah00094: command line: 'c:\\xampp\\apache\\bin\\httpd.exe -d c:/xampp/apache' [sun aug 16 20:31:13.475859 2015] [mpm_winnt:notice] [pid 4600:tid 164] ah00418: parent: created chi

c# - Retrieve a list of tree paths -

i have tree , using code found here functionally traversing tree in c# paths in tree. thing is, code returns list of each path in tree. example, if have following tree: a--- | ---b | ---c | ---d | ---e the code return {a},{a,b},{a,c},{a,c,d},{a,c,e} where need return branches i.e. {a,b},{a,c,d},{a,c,e}. this doesn't have part of method above, long in end list branches , not every path. what i'm trying figure out how filter ienumerable list above method have entries last element in each list has no children. so in current code: class node { public string name; public int parentid; public list<node> children; } and in main code list<node> listofnodes = gettreenodes(); node rootnode = listofnodes.where(n => n.parentid == 0).firstordefault(); // below paths var have every path instead of branches var paths = computepaths(rootnode, n=>n.children); using code linked answer: static

Clicking a button with Python to load HTML -

i'm making python script scrapes information youtube playlists. my issue script not work playlists containing 100+ videos youtube requires click 'load more' button @ bottom of page (see code , image below) in order load more of playlist. my question how can click button using python in order load rest of page? <button class="yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-size-default yt-uix-button-default load-more-button yt-uix-load-more browse-items-load-more-button" type="button" onclick=";return false;" aria-label="load more " data-uix-load-more-target-id="pl-load-more-destination" data-uix-load-more-href="/browse_ajax? action_continuation=1&amp;continuation=4qmfsgiueirwtfbmqjzklxhzovhod0iyrhy2zv9rr0t4z2xeovnvddbvsmqabknhvsuzra%253d%253d"><span class="yt-uix-button-content"> <span class="load-more-loading hid"> <span class="yt-spinner"> <span tit