php - select query with 2 tables -

i have page people can post comments , page people can click "follow" on other people profiles (same on facebook)

i have select query post comments have, order them follow way: first, print 2 newest comments (they must been posted week) of lastest people click follow. second, post rest of posted, order them create-date

(i'm using linux time)

can me sql query?

this current select query. pull comment create-date:

 select id, userid, text, createdate `comments` comment (comment.refid = 0) , (comment.pagename = 'yard') , 1=1 order comment.createdate desc limit 0, 20 

"followers" table looks this:

userid  ownerid     createdate 1       2           1439019657 1       4           1438940399 

"comments" table looks loke this:

 id     userid  pagename    refid   text    createdate 220      1       yard       0       text1    1438030967 227      1       yard       0       text2    1438031704 228      1       yard       0       text3    1438031704 

i might've messed followers' relations. example data looks incoplete full context. shows userid=1 comments sure, either no 1 follows userid=1 or both 3 , 4 follow him. no idea refid doing in comments table. query shows concept anyway - you'll figure out details.

select un.* ((     select 1 priority,, comment.userid, comment.text, comment.createdate     `comments` comment     inner join `followers` follower on follower.userid = comment.userid     comment.refid = 0       , comment.pagename = 'yard'       , ...     order follower.createdate desc limit 2 ) union distinct (     select 2 priority, id, userid, text, createdate     `comments` comment     comment.refid = 0       , comment.pagename = 'yard' )) un order un.priority, un.createdate desc limit 20 


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