Looking for an advanced PDF comparison software -

for work assignment have read through 600-1000 page pdfs , form general opinion on how similar (the extent company putting them out using 'boilerplate' formats).

i've used adobe xi pro dc's comparator software, can compare 2 pdfs , highlight parts different or changed. i'll through comparison pdf, , part isn't highlighted i'll know exact same in both pdfs.

the problem software if similar portions/strings far apart each other in terms of page count (ex: if relevant section on page 100 of first pdf page 25 on second pdf), comparison software isn't going catch it.

my ideal pdf comparator software highlight sections/paragraphs/strings in first pdf cannot found anywhere in second pdf. section/string/paragraph found in second pdf, no matter how far apart in terms of page count, stay unhighlighted.

any hugely appreciated!

you may want check xdocdiff project (open-source may adapt needs) , maybe of these diff tools recommended in tortoisesvn documentation (open-source , closed source).


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