ios - Declare a read-only @NSManaged property in Swift for Parse's PFRelation -

i'm using parse object store in ios application , i've created custom subclass parse object, looks this:

class mything: pfobject, pfsubclassing {     // ...pfsubclassing protocol...     @nsmanaged var name: string    @nsmanaged var somethingelse: string    @nsmanaged var relatedthings: pfrelation   } 

the relatedthings property works: able fetch related objects store. however, keep getting warning parse:

[warning]: pfrelation properties readonly, myapp.mything.relatedthings declared otherwise. 

in objective-c, have marked property readonly, unsure how in swift silence warning.

using let instead of var not allowed in combination @nsmanaged.

adding private(set) has no effect either:

@nsmanaged private(set) var relatedthings: pfrelation 

so how parse expect me declare relationship property?

now should use:

var relatedthings: pfrelation! {     return relationforkey("relatedthings") } 


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