html - Why doesn't the jQuery event ".on" have any event argument -
the following code doesn't work :
var movedownbtnhtml = '<a href="#" class="movedown"> down </a>', moveupbtnhtml = '<a href="#" class="moveup"> </a>'; function reloadbtns() { $(".cats .cat .moveup").add(".cats .cat .movedown").remove(); $(".cats .cat").children("input").after(movedownbtnhtml + moveupbtnhtml); $(".cat:first-child .moveup").add(".cat:last-child .movedown").remove(); } $( document ).ready(function() { $(".cats").on('click', '.movedown .moveup', function(evt){ if("class") == ".movedown") { var = $(".cat").index(, ctm = "<div class='cat'>"+$(".cat").eq(i).html()+"</div>"; $(".cat").eq(i).remove(); $(".cat").eq(i).after(contenttomove); reloadbtns(); } else if("class") == ".moveup") { var = $(".cat").index(, ctm = "<div class='cat'>"+$(".cat").eq(i).html()+"</div>"; $(".cat").eq(i).remove(); $(".cat").eq(i - 1).after(contenttomove); reloadbtns(); } }); });
<script src=""></script> <h2>categories editor</h2> <div class="cats"> <div class="cat"><input type="text" name="cate[]" value="category 1" readonly/><a href="#" class="movedown"> down </a></div> <div class="cat"><input type="text" name="cate[]" value="category 2" readonly/><a href="#" class="movedown"> down </a><a href="#" class="moveup"> </a></div> <div class="cat"><input type="text" name="cate[]" value="category 3" readonly/><a href="#" class="moveup"> </a></div> </div>
it's in form make kind of database multiple categories wich contains data isn't important...
i don't know how pass event data information in argument know wich "button" actived event know if need category or if need down it. tested lot of methods decided you. have lost 2 days form!
i have seen on forum in [selector.on(trigger, selector, function(event){}] event argument contain jquery event. why doesn't work ?
how can ?
the problem had, compare class name dot on it, , after re-add links go or go down, don't assign event clicks. moved functionality of links function, after adding buttons, re-assign functionality new buttons. move up, code needed little fix, actual position should moved.
in jquery element launched event can access through "$(this)"
if i'm missing in answer comment, , i'll explain.
var movedownbtnhtml = '<a href="#" class="movedown"> down </a>', moveupbtnhtml = '<a href="#" class="moveup"> </a>', template = '<div class="cat"><input type="text" name="cate[]" value="category __number__"/></div>'; function reloadbtns() { $(".cats .cat .moveup").add(".cats .cat .movedown").remove(); $(".cats .cat").children("input").after(movedownbtnhtml + moveupbtnhtml); $(".cat:first-child .moveup").add(".cat:last-child .movedown").remove(); assignevent(); } function assignevent() { $(".cats .movedown, .cats .moveup").on('click', function(){ var = $(this); //for precaution $(this) have object started event if( that.attr("class") == "movedown") { var = $(".cat").index(that.parent()); contenttomove = "<div class='cat'>"+$(".cat").eq(i).html()+"</div>"; $(".cat").eq(i).remove(); $(".cat").eq(i).after(contenttomove); reloadbtns(); } else if(that.attr("class") == "moveup") { var = $(".cat").index(that.parent()); contenttomove = "<div class='cat'>"+$(".cat").eq(i).html()+"</div>"; $(".cat").eq(i).remove(); $(".cat").eq(i-1).before(contenttomove); reloadbtns(); } }); } $( document ).ready(function() { assignevent(); $('.addnew').click(function(e) { e.preventdefault(); howmany = $('.cats').children().length; newcat = template.replace(/__number__/, howmany+1); $('.cats').append(newcat); reloadbtns(); }); });
<script src=""></script> <h2>categories editor</h2> <div class="cats"> <div class="cat"><input type="text" name="cate[]" value="category 1" readonly/><a href="#" class="movedown"> down </a></div> <div class="cat"><input type="text" name="cate[]" value="category 2" readonly/><a href="#" class="movedown"> down </a><a href="#" class="moveup"> </a></div> <div class="cat"><input type="text" name="cate[]" value="category 3" readonly/><a href="#" class="moveup"> </a></div> </div> <a href="#" class="addnew">add new</a>
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