web services - Data Driving Open-Source SoapUI REST Requests -

i using soapui 5.0.0 , want able change parameters of rest request calls using single file, saving me changing them each test.

now appears soapui pro has feature called "data source" there nothing in free version of soapui?

i have placed sample of values passed in request , xml response back.

passed values

  • postcode: xx xxx
  • productlist: 123456

xml response

<postcode>ls11 0ey</postcode>    <products>       <e>          <localstockcount>309.0</localstockcount>          <productkey>10006541</productkey>          <stockunitofmeasure>ln</stockunitofmeasure> 

how can data drive postcode , productlist passed in request using free version of soapui?

you can use soapui custom properties parameterize requests.

consider following rest request example:

soapui rest request parameterized custom properties

when request submitted, soapui substitute (or "expand") property placeholder ${#project#timezonedbkey} in request parameter's value, replacing property's configured value (i.e. blahblahblah in case).

the project-level custom property timezonedbkey defined in project's custom properties tab:

soapui rest project custom properties

in case, sounds need similar postcode , productlist custom properties.

if like, can export project's custom properties text file...

saving soapui rest project's custom properties text file

..., saved within project file's xml itself: redundant.


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