c++ - Winsock remote device discovery -

i new winsock , wish use bluetooth project.

i wrote simple code taking online resources find remote devices

it should print name of remote devices instead prints hex value think...i dont know is

the code is

#include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> #include<winsock2.h> #include<ws2bth.h> #include<bluetoothapis.h> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std;  #define success 0  #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "irprops.lib")  int main() {     wsadata data;     int result;     result = wsastartup(makeword(2, 2), &data);     if (result != success)     {         cout << "error occured while initialising winsock...";         exit(result);     }     cout << "winsock initialisation successful\n";     wsaqueryset queryset;     memset(&queryset, 0, sizeof(wsaqueryset));     queryset.dwsize = sizeof(wsaqueryset);     queryset.dwnamespace = ns_bth;     handle hlookup;     result = wsalookupservicebegin(&queryset, lup_containers, &hlookup);     if (result != success)     {         cout << "error in initialising service\n";         exit(result);     }     cout << "initialising lookup service successful\n";     byte buffer[4096];     memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));     dword bufferlength = sizeof(buffer);     wsaqueryset *presults = (wsaqueryset*)&buffer;     while (result == success)     {         result = wsalookupservicenext(hlookup, lup_return_name | lup_containers | lup_return_addr | lup_flushcache | lup_return_type | lup_return_blob | lup_res_service, &bufferlength, presults);         if (result == success)         {             //device found             lptstr s = presults->lpszserviceinstancename;             cout << s << endl;             sleep(1000);         }     }     wsalookupserviceend(hlookup);     return 0; }  

i require in solving issue

thanks in advance help

you have (potential) mismatch of character encodings. line

lptstr s = presults->lpszserviceinstancename; 

expands to

lpwstr s = presults->lpszserviceinstancename; 

if have project's character encoding set unicode (default setting). output unicode string, have use std::wcout instead of std::cout:

lpcwstr s = presults->lpszserviceinstancename; wcout << s << endl; 

to reduce odds of inadvertently using unexpected character encoding, code should explicitly specify character encoding uses. code in question should use wsaquerysetw, , call wsalookupservicebeginw , wsalookupservicenextw instead.

explanation of observed behavior:

std::cout interprets const char* c-style string, , displays characters until finds nul character (see operator<<(std::basic_ostream)).

a const wchar_t*, on other hand, not interpreted mean special. std::cout treats other pointer, , prints value using hexadecimal numeral system default (see std::basic_ostream::operator<<).


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