javascript - How to call a java program from node.js? -

i have node.js script , java program in same folder (.class , .java , .js). want call java program node.js script. in terminal can call java program this

java -cp java-json.jar:. plutomake "tests/android.png"

i saw thread how call java program nodejs

and trying same thing, here node.js code

var child = spawn('java', ['-cp java-json.jar:. plutomake', 'tests/android.png']); 

this seems run without crashing, nothing happens. java program creates image, if through node, doesn't work. know whats wrong?


the array of arguments pass should have 1 element per argument. you’re incorrectly combining few of them.

var child = spawn('java', ['-cp', 'java-json.jar:.', 'plutomake', 'tests/android.png']); 

checking output , exit code prove useful:

child.on('close', function (exitcode) {     if (exitcode !== 0) {         console.error('something went wrong!');     } });  // if you’re passing through, though, pass {stdio: 'inherit'} // child_process.spawn instead. child.stderr.on('data', function (data) {     process.stderr.write(data); }); 


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