Scala Stream function evaluation -
i got following code:
trait stream[+a] { def uncons: option[(a, stream[a])] def foldright[b](z: => b)(f: (a, => b) => b): b = { => { f(t._1, t._2.foldright(z)(f)) }).getorelse(z) } def exists(p: => boolean) = foldright(false)((x, acc) => acc || p(x)) def forall(p: => boolean) = foldright(true)((x, acc) => p(x) && acc) } object stream { def cons[a](h: => a, t: => stream[a]): stream[a] = new stream[a] { lazy val uncons = some((h, t)) } }
then create stream in lazy manner , invoke exists
method check stream elements evaluated:
println(stream.cons({println("5"); 1}, stream.cons({println("6"); 2}, stream.cons({println("7"); 3}, stream.cons({println("8"); 4}, stream.empty)))).exists(_ == 1))
and see is:
5 6 7 8 true
so elements evaluated in spite of first 1 enough. seem understand why exists
acts way does.
then run following code:
println(stream.cons({println("13"); 1}, stream.cons({println("14"); 2}, stream.cons({println("15"); 3}, stream.cons({println("16"); 4}, stream.empty)))).forall(_ < 2))
and see following:
13 14 false
so far forall
comes across non-satisfying value terminates traversal.
but why forall
acts way? what's crucial difference between , exists
there 2 things consider :
- the type of
- the order of
in boolean expression.
if change type of acc
, won't able fail-fast (or short-circuit) in either of methods. must know since code extensively uses laziness, variable of type => b
evaluated when value required i.e. used in expression. in case, acc
future of result computed on stream. future happen if try looking @ it. thus, prevent whole stream evaluated, must prevent future looked at.
short-circuiting in boolean expressions
this order of p(x)
matters. in expression a && b
, if a
know whole conjunction false
, scala won't try evaluating b
because it's pointless.
combining two
now happens if 1 of operands lazy expression ? well, if have lazya || b
, scala read expression left right , evaluate lazya
. in case, lazya
represents accumulation of next element , rest of stream. thus, lazya
expands a0 :: lazya1
, expands a0 :: a1 :: lazya2
. therefore end computing whole stream computing left part of boolean binop.
now, if have a && lazyb
, expands a && (b0 :: b1 :: lazyb2)
. see here, a
or bi
, return without evaluating right part of statement. happens in forall
how fix it
the news fix easy : swap order of p(x)
, acc
: p(x)
, disjunction return without evaluating acc
, stopping computation.
def exists(p: => boolean) = foldright(false)((x, acc) => p(x) || acc)
output :
5 true
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