database - django not nullable error on model field containing null-True -

so have user can post comments on effects, im linking models , keep getting non-nullable error no matter ive tried. says needs have null=true. isn't working lol. not seeing here?

this official error:

django.db.utils.integrityerror: not null constraint failed: effect_modules_comment__new.author_id 

and models:

class effect_module(models.model):     created_at = models.datetimefield(auto_now_add=true)     title = models.charfield(max_length=255)     description = models.textfield()     html = models.textfield(default='')     css = models.textfield(default='')     js = models.textfield(default='')     up_votes = models.integerfield()     down_votes = models.integerfield()     effect_author = models.manytomanyfield('userprofile')  class userprofile(models.model):     user = models.onetoonefield(user)     effects = models.manytomanyfield(effect_module)  class comment(models.model):     comment_author = models.foreignkey(user, null=true)     comment = models.textfield(default='no comment here')     effect_object = models.foreignkey(effect_module) 

delete migration scripts. add null=true means can null in database, blank=true means can left blank in forms.


python makemigrations python migrate 


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