ios - Duplicate interface definition error for class 'AppDelegate' and Property has a previous declaration error when using swiftvalidator -

im trying implement uitextfield validation in swift app using cocoapods framework swiftvalidator , im getting odd errors 1 of swiftvalidator delegate methods

i added swift validator podfile podfile looks follows

platform :ios, '8.0' use_frameworks! pod 'fbsdkcorekit' pod 'fbsdkloginkit' pod 'swiftvalidator', '2.1.1' 

i imported swiftvalidator loginviewcontroller (which subclass of uiviewcontroller) declaring import swiftvalidator

my class declared as

class loginviewcontroller: uiviewcontroller, uialertviewdelegate, uitextfielddelegate, validationdelegate { 

i initialised let validator = validator() @ top level of class

i added validator.registerfield(emailfield, errorlabel: emailerrorlabel, rules: [requiredrule(), emailrule()]) viewdidload

i added skeleton of validationsuccessful delegate method follows

func validationsuccessful() { // submit form println("validation success") } 

but when add other delegate method ie validationfailed follows

func validationfailed(errors: [uitextfield : validationerror]){     println("test") } 

it type of cocoapods error i'm unsure. suggestions?

getting duplicate interface definition class 'appdelegate' , property has previous declaration in apps swift header file ie komunety-swift.h

if change errors parameter in delegate function ie func validationfailed(errors: [uitextfield : string] error goes away ... ie seems related validationerror type itself

any ideas on how fix

for me using:

#import <masonry/masonry.h> 

instead of

#import "masonry.h" 


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