Error building Xamarin.Android project using Xamarin.Studio -

i'm using latest stable version of , when try build android project i'm getting following error:

/library/frameworks/mono.framework/versions/4.0.3/lib/mono/4.5/microsoft.csharp.targets: error : tool executable '/msbuild/14.0/bin/mcs.exe' not found

how can diagnose , fix issue?

i had problem after trying use c# 6 features in xamarin studio on windows.

in case had added following project file:

<propertygroup condition="'$(platform)' != 'unix'">   <csctoolpath>$(msbuildprogramfiles32)\msbuild\14.0\bin</csctoolpath> </propertygroup> 

which worked fine on windows, gave me error had, when tried on mac. should have been:

<propertygroup condition="'$(os)' != 'unix'">   <csctoolpath>$(msbuildprogramfiles32)\msbuild\14.0\bin</csctoolpath> </propertygroup> 

there discussion here:


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