Summary shown in R is short, many terms shown as "Other" -

how can display complete output summary, without classifying values "other"?

summary(d)   city               department      product       1/18/2015 :  149   a:5290   footwear mens  : 538   13245  :  255    1/25/2015 :  149   b:2078   home furnishing:1937   15350  :  255    11/23/2014:  149   c:5088   infant w-wear  : 992   15352  :  255    11/30/2014:  149            ladies lower   :1735   15353  :  255    12/14/2014:  149            ladies upper   :1805   15355  :  255    12/21/2014:  149            mens lower     :2039   15356  :  255    (other)   :11562            mens upper     :3410   (other):10926               sale       flag        0            :3963   0      :3279   forecast: 1341    not available:1341   1      :1951   history :11115    1            :1145   2      : 946                     2            : 797   3      : 700                     3            : 557   4      : 572                     4            : 498   5      : 438                     (other)      :4155   (other):4570    

aside: looks data has factor columns should numeric. may want have @ may cause issues in later analysis.

as far call summary() goes, can adjust maxsum argument. find in help(summary) can used change amount of information shown in summary

maxsum - integer, indicating how many levels should shown factors.

so let's have @ @ work two-column data frame example -

set.seed(12) df <- data.frame(     = sample(letters[1:8], 1e3, true),      b = sample(letters[1:10], 1e3, true) ) 

calling summary() no other arguments, "other" listed @ bottom of each column summary.

summary(df) #                   b       # d      :132   g      :118   # c      :131   b      :108   # f      :131   e      :106   #      :123   f      :104   # g      :123   d      :103   # e      :122   j      :103   # (other):238   (other):358  

now if adjust maxsum length of maximum number of unique values of columns, values listed.

summary(df, maxsum = max(lengths(lapply(df, unique)))) #        b       #  a:123   a: 94   #  b:120   b:108   #  c:131   c: 99   #  d:132   d:103   #  e:122   e:106   #  f:131   f:104   #  g:123   g:118   #  h:118   h: 92   #          i: 73   #          j:103   

note maxsum maxsum = length(reduce(union, df)), , assumes working data frame.


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