android - Custom widget does not fill available space in width -

created custom widget textview. created custom component works fine when declared through xml. when try add layout dynamically through code , not fill available width.
can 1 me how make occupy full width.

my xml layout below :

<scrollview xmlns:android=""     xmlns:tools=""     android:layout_width="match_parent"     android:layout_height="match_parent" > <linearlayout   android:orientation="vertical"  android:layout_width="match_parent"  android:layout_height="wrap_content"  android:id="@+id/llayout"  > 

in activity file , try add custom widget linear layout below :

string yourtext = "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. " +                     "ut volutpat interdum interdum. nulla laoreet lacus diam, vitae " +                     "sodales sapien commodo faucibus. vestibulum et feugiat enim. donec " +                     "semper mi et euismod tempor. sed sodales eleifend mi id varius. nam " +                     "et ornare enim, sit amet gravida sapien. quisque gravida et enim vel " +                     "volutpat. vivamus egestas ut felis blandit. vivamus fringilla " +                     "dignissim mollis. maecenas imperdiet interdum hendrerit. aliquam" +                     " dictum hendrerit ultrices. ut vitae vestibulum dolor. donec auctor ante" +                     " eget libero molestie porta. nam tempor fringilla ultricies. nam sem " +                     "lectus, feugiat eget ullamcorper vitae, ornare et sem. fusce dapibus ipsum" +                     " sed laoreet suscipit. ";          linearlayout llayout = (linearlayout)findviewbyid(;          expandabletextview expandabletextview = new expandabletextview(getapplicationcontext());          layoutparams lpview = new layoutparams(layoutparams.match_parent, layoutparams.wrap_content);          expandabletextview.setlayoutparams(lpview);          expandabletextview.settextcolor(color.magenta);          expandabletextview.settextsize(25);          expandabletextview.settext(yourtext);          llayout.addview(expandabletextview); 


/**  *   */ package com.andr.expandabletextviewwidget;    import com.andr.kamal56.r;  import android.content.context; import android.content.res.typedarray; import android.text.spannablestringbuilder; import android.util.attributeset; import android.view.view; import android.widget.textview;        public class expandabletextview extends textview{      private static final int default_trim_length = 200;     private static final string ellipsis = ".....";      private charsequence originaltext;     private charsequence trimmedtext;     private buffertype buffertype;     private boolean trim = true;     private int trimlength;      public expandabletextview(context context) {         super(context);         // todo auto-generated constructor stub     }       public expandabletextview(context context, attributeset attrs) {         super(context, attrs);         typedarray typedarray = context.obtainstyledattributes(attrs, r.styleable.expandabletextview);         this.trimlength = typedarray.getint(r.styleable.expandabletextview_trimlength, default_trim_length);         typedarray.recycle();          setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {              @override             public void onclick(view v) {                 trim = !trim;                 settext();                 requestfocusfromtouch();                             }         });     }       private void settext() {             super.settext(getdisplayabletext(), buffertype);         }      private charsequence getdisplayabletext() {         return trim ? trimmedtext : originaltext;     }      @override     public void settext(charsequence text, buffertype type) {         originaltext = text;         trimmedtext = gettrimmedtext(text);         buffertype = type;         settext();      }         private charsequence gettrimmedtext(charsequence text) {             if (originaltext != null && originaltext.length() > trimlength) {                 return new spannablestringbuilder(originaltext, 0, trimlength + 1).append(ellipsis);             } else {                 return originaltext;             }         }        public charsequence getoriginaltext() {             return originaltext;         }          public void settrimlength(int trimlength) {             this.trimlength = trimlength;             trimmedtext = gettrimmedtext(originaltext);             settext();         }          public int gettrimlength() {             return trimlength;         } } 

try explicitly using linearlayout.layoutparams in activity code. there many different layoutparams classes , can end using wrong 1 mistake because wrong 1 being imported.

linearlayout.layoutparams lpview = new linearlayout.layoutparams(         layoutparams.match_parent, layoutparams.wrap_content); 


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