Python Selenium Firefox on Ubuntu: New Tabs Not Working -

i'm doing remote web crawling , scraping, , hoping not reload new browser window every link on 1 page.

the problem new tabs not opening firefox web driver.

here's i've tried:

from selenium import webdriver selenium.webdriver.common.keys import keys selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import actionchains pyvirtualdisplay import display  # launch our headless display  display = display(visible=0, size=(800, 600)) display.start()  # launch our web driver , page browser = webdriver.firefox() browser.get("")  # try open new tab actionchains(browser).key_down(keys.control).send_keys("t").key_up(keys.control).perform()  # should print 2, prints 1, because new tab not opened print len(browser.window_handles)  # clean browser.quit() display.stop() 


  • ubuntu 14.04.2
  • python 2.7.6
  • selenium 2.47.1
  • pyvirtualdisplay 0.1.3

based on this response selenium developer, new tabs in firefox not supported of august 2015. suggested exploring marionette dependencies cause more trouble it's worth, @ least use case. solution use new windows (driver.execute_script("")), instead of new tabs.


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