php - Should I user Paypal on the server side or client side for a Phonegap App? -
i'm working on new shop app people can buy tickets. use paypal payement system directly app. don't want users leave app.
i saw online there librairies paypal on both client end , server end. cordova/phonegap plugin : codeigniter / php plugin :
first question : need integrate both platforms ? if no, best option, should payment on server or directly customer's phone ?
many thanks
the cordova-plugin built on top of paypal mobile sdk libraries, provides native in-app payment integration.
literally able implement complete payment flow mobile platform sdk (skip payment-verify step on server side), depend on use cases are.
here're recommended solutions need work on both platforms
the payment can either (1) immediate payment servers should subsequently verify, or (2) authorization payment servers must subsequently capture, or (3) payment order servers must subsequently authorize , capture
you may want check here instructions on how server side works mobile payment
for record, angelleye php library paypal classic apis , irrelevant topic. mobile payments using rest apis , may refer rest api php sdk server-end implementations
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