c# - ASP.NET Identity is null even the token is sent -

for thesis project have implement token-based (bearer) authentication in asp.net solution. implemented taiseer jouseh (http://bitoftech.net/2014/06/01/token-based-authentication-asp-net-web-api-2-owin-asp-net-identity).

the basic part working correctly. have mobile client on can register new user. can login , receive token. when make request, token sent in request header. works fine. problem is, 401 unauthorized error if call [authorize] method, if send token. removed [authorize] annotation test things:

var z = user.identity; var t = thread.currentprincipal.identity; var y = httpcontext.current.user.identity; var x = request.getowincontext().authentication.user.identity; 

here got alwas same identity: authenticationtype=null; isauthenticated=false; name=null; claims:empty

var token = request.headers.authorization; 

here right token. token sent request.

i hope can me. have token no identity.

here parts of code: oauthserviceprovider:

public class simpleauthorizationserverprovider : oauthauthorizationserverprovider {      public async override task validateclientauthentication(oauthvalidateclientauthenticationcontext context)     {         context.validated();     }      // post /token     public override async task grantresourceownercredentials(oauthgrantresourceownercredentialscontext context)     {          context.owincontext.response.headers.add("access-control-allow-origin", new[] { "*" });          var usermanager = dependencyresolver.current.getservice<usermanager<identityuser, int>>();          identityuser user = await usermanager.findasync(context.username, context.password);          if (user == null)         {             context.seterror("invalid_grant", "the user name or password incorrect.");             return;         }          var identity = await usermanager.createidentityasync(user, context.options.authenticationtype);         identity.addclaim(new claim("sub", context.username));         identity.addclaim(new claim("role", "user"));         context.validated(identity);     } } 

the controller method:

#region /user/:id [httpget] [route("{id:int:min(1)}")] [responsetype(typeof(usereditdto))] public async task<ihttpactionresult> getuser(int id) {     try     {         // tests         var z = user.identity;         var t = thread.currentprincipal.identity;         var y = httpcontext.current.user.identity;         var x = request.getowincontext().authentication.user.identity;         var token = request.headers.authorization;          user user = await _usermanager.findbyidasync(id);         if (user == null)         {             return notfound();         }          mapper.createmap<user, usereditdto>();         return ok(mapper.map<usereditdto>(user));     }     catch (exception exception)     {         throw;     }  } #endregion 

the webapiconfig:

public static class webapiconfig {     public static void register(httpconfiguration config)     {         config.suppressdefaulthostauthentication();         config.filters.add(new hostauthenticationfilter("bearer"));          config.maphttpattributeroutes();          var corsattr = new enablecorsattribute("*", "*", "*");         config.enablecors(corsattr);          config.routes.maphttproute(              name: "defaultapi",              routetemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",              defaults: new { id = routeparameter.optional }         );     } } 


[assembly: owinstartup(typeof(startup))] public class startup {      public void configuration(iappbuilder app)     {         httpconfiguration config = new httpconfiguration();         var container = new unitycontainer();         unityconfig.registercomponents(container);         config.dependencyresolver = new unitydependencyresolver(container);         //config.dependencyresolver = new unityhierarchicaldependencyresolver(container);         webapiconfig.register(config);         app.usewebapi(config);         configureoauth(app);     }      public void configureoauth(iappbuilder app)     {         oauthauthorizationserveroptions oauthserveroptions = new oauthauthorizationserveroptions()         {             allowinsecurehttp = true,             tokenendpointpath = new pathstring("/token"),             accesstokenexpiretimespan = timespan.fromdays(1),             provider = new simpleauthorizationserverprovider()         };          // token generation         app.useoauthbearerauthentication(new oauthbearerauthenticationoptions());         app.useoauthauthorizationserver(oauthserveroptions);      }  } 

finally found problem. simple, can't believe spent more week solve problem.

the problem in startup. had call configureoauth(app); before app.usewebapi(config);

so correct startup looks like

[assembly: owinstartup(typeof(startup))] public class startup {      public void configuration(iappbuilder app)     {         httpconfiguration config = new httpconfiguration();         var container = new unitycontainer();         unityconfig.registercomponents(container);         config.dependencyresolver = new unitydependencyresolver(container);         //config.dependencyresolver = new unityhierarchicaldependencyresolver(container);         webapiconfig.register(config);         configureoauth(app);         app.usewebapi(config);     }      public void configureoauth(iappbuilder app)     {         oauthauthorizationserveroptions oauthserveroptions = new oauthauthorizationserveroptions()         {             allowinsecurehttp = true,             tokenendpointpath = new pathstring("/token"),             accesstokenexpiretimespan = timespan.fromdays(1),             provider = new simpleauthorizationserverprovider()         };          // token generation         app.useoauthbearerauthentication(new oauthbearerauthenticationoptions());         app.useoauthauthorizationserver(oauthserveroptions);      }  } 


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