c# - I cannot figure out how to fix an unhandled Format Excpetion -
i trying write c# program using visual studio reads data file , allow me perform various sorts on data. beginner took research figure out how write code: a:
format exception unhandled. input string not in correct format
i not sure went wrong. happening following line of code:
candidate newrec = new candidate(str[0], str[1], str [2], str[3], str[4], str[5], str[6], convert.toint32(str[7]), str[8], str[9], str[10], str[11]);
the entire code follows:
using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using system.io; using system.collections; namespace unit4ip { //used sort in asceding , descending order public struct candidate:icomparable { public char[] _firstname; public char[] _lastname; public char[] _company; public char[] _address; public char[] _city; public char[] _country; public char[] _state; public char[] _phone; public char[] _fax; public char[] _email; public char[] _web; public int _zip; //for comparing objects public int compareto(object obj) { candidate candidate2 = (candidate)obj; return _lastname.tostring().compareto(candidate2._lastname.tostring()); } //implements sorting based on assignments such zip, lastname, etc. public int compareto(candidate candidate2, candidatecomparer.comparisontype comptype) { if(comptype==candidatecomparer.comparisontype.lastname) { string _lname = new string(_lastname); string lname = new string(candidate2._lastname); return _lname.compareto(lname);// convert character array string because compareto works efficiently strings } else { return candidate2._zip.compareto(_zip); // compareto values interchanged in descending order } } //constructor of candidate structure public candidate(string firstname, string lastname, string company, string address, string city, string country, string state, int zip, string phone, string fax, string email, string web) { _firstname = new char[12]; _lastname = new char[16]; _company = new char[32]; _address = new char[32]; _city = new char[24]; _country = new char[24]; _state = new char[2]; _phone = new char[12]; _fax = new char[12]; _email = new char[32]; _web = new char[42]; _firstname = firstname.tochararray(); _lastname = lastname.tochararray(); _company = company.tochararray(); _address = address.tochararray(); _city = city.tochararray(); _country = country.tochararray(); _state = state.tochararray(); _zip = zip; _phone = phone.tochararray(); _fax = fax.tochararray(); _email = email.tochararray(); _web = web.tochararray(); } //implement icomparer interface nested structure public struct candidatecomparer : icomparer { public enum comparisontype { lastname = 1, zip = 2 } private comparisontype _comparisontype; public comparisontype comptype { { return _comparisontype; } set { _comparisontype = value; } } public int compare(object x, object y) { candidate candidate1 = (candidate)x; candidate candidate2 = (candidate)y; return candidate1.compareto(candidate2, _comparisontype); } } } class program { static void main(string[] args) { arraylist arraytest = new arraylist(); //loading of file 'itco321_u4_sample_data.csv' arralist. file holds values, no heading i.e. remove headings streamreader stream1 = file.opentext("c:\\users\\cdhss\\documents\\itco321_u4ip_sample_data-2.csv"); string recdata = null; while ((recdata = stream1.readline()) != null) { string[] str = recdata.split(','); candidate newrec = new candidate(str[0], str[1], str [2], str[3], str[4], str[5], str[6], convert.toint32(str[7]), str[8], str[9], str[10], str[11]); arraytest.add(newrec);//add struct object arraylist } //traversing of records console.writeline("traversing records"); foreach (candidate candidate1 in arraytest) { string fname = new string(candidate1._firstname); string lname=new string(candidate1._lastname); string company = new string(candidate1._company); string address=new string(candidate1._address); string city=new string(candidate1._city); string country = new string(candidate1._country); string phone = new string(candidate1._phone); string fax = new string(candidate1._fax); string email=new string(candidate1._email); string web = new string(candidate1._web); console.writeline( fname + "," + lname + "," + company + "," + address + "," + city + "," + country + "," + candidate1._zip + "," + phone + "," + fax + "," + email + "," + web); } candidate.candidatecomparer comparer = new candidate.candidatecomparer(); //sort lastname in ascending order comparer.comptype = candidate.candidatecomparer.comparisontype.lastname; arraytest.sort(comparer); console.writeline("sorting of elements lastname"); foreach (candidate candidate1 in arraytest) { string fname = new string(candidate1._firstname); string lname = new string(candidate1._lastname); string company = new string(candidate1._company); console.writeline("\t" + fname + "," + lname + "," + company); } // data sorted in desending order of zip field comparer.comptype = candidate.candidatecomparer.comparisontype.zip; arraytest.sort(comparer); console.writeline("sorting of elements zip"); foreach (candidate candidate1 in arraytest) { string fname = new string(candidate1._firstname); string lname = new string(candidate1._lastname); string company = new string(candidate1._company); console.writeline("\t" + fname + "," + lname + "," + company + "," + candidate1._zip); } //display records of 'ny' state console.writeline("display records of ny state"); foreach (candidate candidate1 in arraytest) { string fname = new string(candidate1._firstname); string lname = new string(candidate1._lastname); string company = new string(candidate1._company); string address = new string(candidate1._address); string city = new string(candidate1._city); string country = new string(candidate1._country); string phone = new string(candidate1._phone); string fax = new string(candidate1._fax); string email = new string(candidate1._email); string web = new string(candidate1._web); if (new string(candidate1._state).contains("ny")) console.writeline(fname + "," + lname + "," + company + "," + address + "," + city + "," + country + "," + candidate1._zip + "," + phone + "," + fax + "," + email + "," + web); } console.read(); } } }
your problem in call convert.toint32. whatever string passing can't parsed int.
a solution here might use structured exception handling, either try catch blocks or int32.tryparse(string) example this
int intvalue; if (int32.tryparse(str[7], out intvalue)) { //do thing int value } else { throw new exception("some informative error message, using string.format include string tried parse"); }
tryparse returns true if parse successfull, false if not, , puts parsed integer value in second out parameter.
a few other comments on code out.
- no 1 uses arraylists in c# anymore. generics introduced long time ago, , better, standpoint of both type safety , speed use list (look c# generics if don't know are).
- you don't need copy candidate properties in foreach loop new variables.
- give more informative variable names. readability single important quality in code. fname should firstname, recdata should recieveddata. key strokes cheap in world tab completion.
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