ios - How to increase performance in swift 2.0? -
hi im new swift , game random generated square fall down @ random speed, im having trouble function (this function executed when user touch square):
let font = uifont(name: "avenir next medium", size: 16) let bgmusicurl:nsurl = nsbundle.mainbundle().urlforresource("destroy-square", withextension: "mp3")! override func didmovetoview(view: skview) { { try squaredestroyedsound = avaudioplayer(contentsofurl: bgmusicurl, filetypehint: nil) } catch _{ return print("no sound file") } squaredestroyedsound.preparetoplay() } func squareexploded (pos: cgpoint, nodecolor: string, points: string) { let mylabel = sklabelnode(fontnamed: font?.fontname) let emitternode = skemitternode(filenamed: "explodedwhitesquare.sks") mylabel.fontsize = 20 mylabel.text = points mylabel.position = pos actionmovepoint = skaction.movetoy(pos.y + 200, duration: 0.8) self.addchild(mylabel) mylabel.runaction(skaction.sequence([actionmovepoint, actionmovedonepoint])) emitternode!.particlecolorsequence = nil emitternode!.particlecolorblendfactor = 1.0 emitternode!.particlecolor = uicolor(rgba: nodecolor) emitternode!.particleposition = pos self.addchild(emitternode!) emitternode!.runaction(skaction.waitforduration(2), completion: { emitternode!.removefromparent() }) }
this function need 3 things @ same time :
1- mylabel text go touched square position 0.8 second , should removed.
2- emitternode spark effect create it, effect square position , color produce effect have same color touched square, duration effect 2 seconds , removed.
3- bgmusicurl/squaredestroyedsound url path sound each square touched , it's played when time
my problem when user touche square game lag little bit screen freeze , fps drop 60 55/52. function work fine if don't use function game don't lag more no fps drop need there way optimize code ?
i use skaction
sequence perform of operations , avoid use of avaudioplayer
func squareexploded (pos: cgpoint, nodecolor: string, points: string) { let mylabel = sklabelnode(fontnamed: font?.fontname) let emitternode = skemitternode(filenamed: "explodedwhitesquare.sks") mylabel.fontsize = 20 mylabel.text = points mylabel.position = pos actionmovepoint = skaction.movetoy(pos.y + 200, duration: 0.8) self.addchild(mylabel) mylabel.runaction(skaction.sequence([actionmovepoint, actionmovedonepoint])) emitternode!.particlecolorsequence = nil emitternode!.particlecolorblendfactor = 1.0 emitternode!.particlecolor = uicolor(rgba: nodecolor) emitternode!.particleposition = pos self.addchild(emitternode!) let actionsequence=skaction.sequence([skaction.playsoundfilenamed("destroy-square.mp3", waitforcompletion: false), skaction.waitforduration(2),skaction.removefromparent()]) emitternode!.runaction(actionsequence) }
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