linux - Ubuntu - bulk file rename -

i have folder containing sequence of files names bear form filename-white.png. e.g.

images   arrow-down-white.png   arrow-down-right-white.png   ...   bullets-white.png   ...   ...   video-white.png 

i want strip out -white bit names filename.png. have played around, dry run -n, linux rename command. however, knowledge of regexes rather limited have been unable find right way this. obliged might able out this.

if in directory above images, command is

rename "s/-white.png/.png/" images/*

if current directory images, run rename "s/-white.png/.png/" ./* instead. dry run, attach -n said:

rename -n "s/-white.png/.png/" images/*


rename -n "s/-white.png/.png/" ./*


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