sorting - Sort a list i java with two elements (type string and double) in Java -

i writing pension program , stuck.

the program looks this:

first read in file every line has name of person, age, , first deposit. use method called readfile that. inside method call upon class called class savingswhich in separate file calculate pension. have following problem: sort names according pensions (highest lowest) don't know how that.

here method in readfile class:

@suppresswarnings("resource") public void readfile(double rate) {     while(scan1.hasnextline()) {         string input = scan1.nextline();         scan2 = new scanner(input).usedelimiter("/");         string =;         int b = scan2.nextint();         int c = scan2.nextint();         // calculate savings         savings s = new savings();         s.totalsavings(a, b, c, rate);         // add savings array      } } 

1st, create class person :

class person{ private string name; private int age; private bigdecimal firstdeposit; private bigdecimal pension;  //setters , getters method  } 

now create list hold information of every person :

list<person> personlist=new arraylist<person>(); 

now sort list based on pension :

collections.sort(personlist, new comparator<person>() {     public int compare(person p1, person p2) {         return p1.getpension().compareto(p2.getpension());     } }); 

given hint go problem, suggested other users, kindly go through basics of java.


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