ios - How to retrieve instance of NSDictionary when AnnotationCallout is tapped? Swift -

my app uses yelp api generate json data store nsdictionary. user clicks on categories , mapview populates pins information yelp api client. when user taps annotation callout, want display detail view controller contents of dictionary of data yelp client. want instance of array of businesses can display contents on detail view controller.

here code:

this business model query businesses:

class resturant: nsobject {     var name: string!     var thumburl: string!     var address: string!     var jsondata: nsdata!     var location: nsdictionary!        // location       init(dictionary: nsdictionary) {         name = dictionary["name"] as? string         thumburl = dictionary["thumburl"] as? string         address = dictionary["address"] as? string         location = dictionary["location"] as? nsdictionary     }      class func searchwithquery(map: mkmapview, query: string, completion: ([resturant]!, nserror!) -> void) {         yelpclient.sharedinstance.searchwithterm(query,sort: 0, radius: 1069, success: { (operation: afhttprequestoperation!, response: anyobject!) -> void in             let responseinfo = response as! nsdictionary             resultquerydictionary = responseinfo             println(responseinfo)             let dataarray = responseinfo["businesses"] as! nsarray             business in dataarray {                 let obj = business as! nsdictionary                 var yelpbusinessmock: yelpbusiness = yelpbusiness(dictionary: obj)                 var annotation = mkpointannotation()                 annotation.coordinate = yelpbusinessmock.location.coordinate                 annotation.title =                 annotation.subtitle = yelpbusinessmock.displayaddress                 map.addannotation(annotation)             }             }) { (operation: afhttprequestoperation!, error: nserror!) -> void in          println(error)         }     } 

and here delegate method calloutaccessoryviewtapped

func mapview(mapview: mkmapview!, annotationview view: mkannotationview!, calloutaccessorycontroltapped control: uicontrol!) {         if (control == view.rightcalloutaccessoryview) {             let selectedlocation = view.annotation;             let selectedcoordinate = view.annotation.coordinate;             var latitude = selectedcoordinate.latitude             var longitude = selectedcoordinate.longitude             var location:cllocation = cllocation(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude)             let businessplacemark = mkplacemark(coordinate: selectedcoordinate, addressdictionary: nil)             indicatedmapitem = selectedcoordinate;             let resturantmock:resturant = resturant(dictionary: resultquerydictionary)             attractiondict = resturantmock.location;             performseguewithidentifier("attractiontodetail", sender: self);         }     } 

here link repo:

again, structure of yelp data:

there array holding different nsdictionaries of business. want retrieve correct instance of dictionary when callout accessory view tapped.


mkannotation protocol. can create custom object want conforms protocol. suggest ditching mkpointannotation object , creating custom object conforms mkannotation protocol, , either stores dictionary of information or has properties values need. when user taps on annotation view annotation object contains information need.

alternately create custom subclass of mkpointannotation contains integer index array of data.


in code, have following:

var annotation = mkpointannotation() 

instead of doing that, create custom class conforms mkannoation protocol:

class myannotation: mkannotation {   //define coordinate title (and optionally subtitle)    //properties mkannotation protocol    var annotationdictionary: dictionary } 


var annotation = myannotation() 

set coordinate, title, , subtitle you're doing, , set dictionary property data need. add myannotation object map doing now.


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