mplab - Copying every nth element from one array to another -
does know of way copy every nth element 1 array another? example, have array data[x] , want copy every third (3rd) element - data[0], data[3], data[6] etc new array data2[j]. tried using loop no success.
void storedata() { bufferpointer1 = &buffera[0]; x=0; i=0; j=0; while (x<no_samples-1) { data[x] = *bufferpointer1; bufferpointer1++; x++; (j=0; j<127; i++) { data2[j] = data[i+=3]; j++; } } }
why aren't declaring variables in function? 4 of them seem used locally , should not visible outside function.
why increment in section instead of j, typo?
(j=0; j<127; i++) { data2[j] = data[i+=3]; j++; }
i write this:
(j=0; j<127; j++) { data2[j] = data[i]; i+=3; } i=0; // reset pointer
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