java - Play Framework 2.4.x - Subprojects with database -

heys guys,

i hope can me subprojects in play framework 2.4.x. i'm developing play project (i call root) subproject. both have ebean models , want save these models in different databases. tried many possibilies i'm not able work out.

  1. defining database , ebean configuration in [root]/conf/application.conf , other 1 in [root]/modules/sub/conf/application.conf (with different database names). error "creationexception: unable create injector, see following errors: 1) error injecting constructor, java.lang.illegalstateexception: bean class models.rootmodel not enhanced?"
  2. defining 1 database , ebean configuration in root's configuration , 1 in subproject's configuration same database name. error "persistenceexception: subproject.models.submodel not entity bean registered server?"
  3. defining both databases , ebean configuration in root project , define database subproject in configuration, same error in 1.
  4. no configuration in subproject, error: "creationexception: unable create injector, see following errors: 1) error injecting constructor, java.lang.illegalstateexception: bean class subproject.models.submodel not enhanced?"

how setup databases play framework project , subproject?

my files in these folders:

    [root]/build.sbt     [root]/conf/application.conf     [root]/app/models/     [root]/modules/sub/conf/application.conf     [root]/modules/sub/conf/app/models/subproject/models/ 

my [root]/build.sbt:

    import      name := """rootproject"""      version := "1.0"      lazy val root = (project in file("."))         .enableplugins(playjava, playebean, playenhancer)         .aggregate(sub)         .dependson(sub)          .settings(             twirlkeys.templateimports += "subproject.models._"          )       lazy val sub ="modules/sub"))         .enableplugins(playjava, playebean, playenhancer)       scalaversion := "2.11.6" 

defining of database , ebean configuration in application.conf:

    db.default.driver=org.h2.driver     db.default.url="jdbc:h2:./db/default;db_close_delay=-1"     db.default.username="sa"     db.default.password="..."      db.sub.driver=org.h2.driver     db.sub.url="jdbc:h2:./db/sub;db_close_delay=-1"     db.sub.username="sa"     db.sub.password="..."      ebean.default=["models.*"]     ebean.sub=["subproject.models.*"] 

okay, figured out myself. it's quite simple, @ play framework documentation.

if you're having problems 'persistenceexception: sub.model.submodel not entity bean registered server?', @ multiple databases play framework 2.1.x.


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