javascript - Passing array of JSON to postgres without double backslash -
i working on node.js version v0.12.7
my goal input question_id array postgres database.
problem fail pass array of json postgres function
not solution in worst case try 1 one query.
my attempt convert input array of question_id example :
array [2,4,1,3]
json : [{ order : 1, question_id : 2}, { order : 2, question_id : 4}, { order : 3, question_id : 1},{ order : 3, question_id : 3} ]
then pass pg.
i convert array of integer array of json exports.intarray2json function.
exports.intarray2json = function(req){ return new promise(function(fulfill,reject){ var arr = []; var in_array = req.body.questionlist; for(var = 1 ; <= in_array.length ; i++){ var data = {order : i, question_id : in_array[i-1]}; arr.push(data); } fulfill(arr); }); };
after that. stringify array of objects. , json.parse() it.
in short name them var , var b.
unfortunately, neither nor b works. when use in data array.
console.log of 'a' case:
pg receive : [ 8, '[{"order":1,"question_id":5},{"order":2,"question_id":2},{"order":3,"question_id":3},{"order":4,"question_id":1}]' ]
error of 'a' case:
{ [error: cannot begin/end transactions in pl/pgsql] name: 'error', length: 235, severity: 'error', code: '0a000', detail: undefined, hint: 'use begin block exception clause instead.', position: undefined, internalposition: undefined, internalquery: undefined, where: 'pl/pgsql function dugong.quizquestion_jsadd(integer,json) line 20 @ sql statement', schema: undefined, table: undefined, column: undefined, datatype: undefined, constraint: undefined, file: 'pl_exec.c', line: '3377', routine: 'exec_stmt_execsql' }
try 'b' case: console.log of 'b' case:
pg receive : [ 8, [ { order: 1, question_id: 5 }, { order: 2, question_id: 2 }, { order: 3, question_id: 3 }, { order: 4, question_id: 1 } ] ]
error of 'b' case :
{ [error: invalid input syntax type json] name: 'error', length: 178, severity: 'error', code: '22p02', detail: 'expected ":", found ",".', hint: undefined, position: undefined, internalposition: undefined, internalquery: undefined, where: 'json data, line 1: {"{\\"order\\":1,\\"question_id\\":5}",...', schema: undefined, table: undefined, column: undefined, datatype: undefined, constraint: undefined, file: 'json.c', line: '1136', routine: 'report_parse_error' }
here function in node.
exports.postquizquestion = function(client,req){ console.log('coming in function'); exports.test = function(array,callback){ console.log('hello in test function'); console.log(array); for(var = 0 ; < array.length ; i++){ console.log(typeof(array[i])); if(i == array.length -1){ callback(array); } } }; exports.test2 = function(array,callback){ var = json.stringify(req.body.questionlist2); var b = json.parse(a); var data = [req.body.quizid, b]; console.log('pg receive : '); console.log(data); var qstr = "select dugong.quizquestion_jsadd($1,$2)"; var questlist = client.query(qstr, data, function(er,result){ if(er){ console.log(er); var data = pgdown.rreject(er,req.params.quizid); callback(); return; } console.log('quizquestion table updated'); callback(); }); }; exports.test(req.body.questionlist2, function(array){ exports.test2(array, function(){ console.log('end of function'); }); }); };
here table structure.
create table dugong.quizquestion( quiz_id int, order_question int, question_id int, --fk lastmodified timestamp time zone default current_timestamp, primary key(order_question,quiz_id), foreign key(question_id) references dugong.question(question_id) on delete restrict , constraint qzid_qid unique (quiz_id, question_id) );
my pg function :
create or replace function dugong.quizquestion_jsadd( in_quiz_id int, in_question_id_list json ) returns boolean $$ declare idx integer; json; begin idx := 1; in select * json_array_elements(in_question_id_list) loop raise notice '%', idx; perform dugong.quizquestion_add(in_quiz_id, idx, i->>question_id); idx := idx + 1; end loop; return true; exception when others raise notice 'the transaction in uncommitable state.' 'transaction rolled back.'; raise notice '% %', sqlerrm, sqlstate; rollback; end; $$ language plpgsql;
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