javascript - Phaser.js : cannot read property '0' on tiled map layer -

i'm working paser.js on meteor.js server.

it worked wperfectly until try use tiled maps described here.

here code :

js :

    if (meteor.isclient) {   {     var game = new, 600,, '', {        preload: preload,        create: create,        update: update     });     var map;     var backgroundlayer;     var blocklayer;     var bg; function preload() {   // load game assets   // images, spritesheets, atlases, audio etc..   game.load.tilemap('mytilemap', 'assets/tilemaps/scifi.json', null, phaser.tilemap.tiled_json);   game.load.image('mytileset', "assets/tilemaps/scifi_platformtiles_32x32.png"); }  function create() {   map = game.add.tilemap('mytilemap');   map.addtilesetimage('scifi_platformtiles_32x32', 'mytileset');    backgroundlayer = map.createlayer('background');   blocklayer = map.createlayer('blocklayer'); }  function update() {  }   }); } 

html :

<head>     <meta charset="utf-8" />     <title>phaser - making first game, part 1</title>     <script type="text/javascript" src="phaser.min.js"></script>     <style type="text/css">         body {             margin: 0;         }     </style> </head>  <body>   <h1>welcome first phaser game!</h1>    {{> game}} </body>  <template name="game">   <div id="phasercanvas"></div> </template> 

and, when try on localhost:3000, :

uncaught typeerror: cannot read property '0' of undefined

from phaser.min.js:15. line generate warning

blocklayer = map.createlayer('blocklayer'); 

it seems phaser can correctly read 'background' layer information scifi.json, not 'blocklayer' one.

here extract scifi.json :

{ "height":20,  "layers":[         {          "compression":"zlib",          "data": "[some long hashed key...]",          "encoding":"base64",          "height":20,          "name":"background",          "opacity":1,          "type":"tilelayer",          "visible":true,          "width":20,          "x":0,          "y":0         },          {          "compression":"zlib",          "data":"[some long hashed key...]",          "encoding":"base64",          "height":20,          "name":"blocklayer",          "opacity":1,          "type":"tilelayer",          "visible":true,          "width":20,          "x":0,          "y":0         }],  "nextobjectid":1, [...] 

and i'm stil unable find out what's problem... has faced before ?

more informations :

  • i use atom ide

  • i tried phaser v2.0.1 , phaser v2.4.2

thanks you.

seems problem came tiled : hashed key compressed zlib, though should not compressed @ phaser not support yet.


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