Swift, sprite kit game: Have circle disappear in clockwise manner? On timer? -

alright, don't know name have sprite kit game (a runner game) that, when it's game over, going have "save me" button , timer runs out accordingly. when timer runs out, can no longer click button , save character.

i don't want display timer in text however- want circle "unwinds itself," if will, , disappears @ rate timer runs out. i.e. when timer reaches 0, circle has disappeared. circle disappears degree degree in clockwise motion in accordance timer.

here pictures explain i'm talking about. enter image description here

how this?

by changing path property of skshapenode @ fixed interval, can create frame-by-frame animation sequence. create animation, set path property sequence of shapes starts circle , ends nothing. can use uibezierpath, wrapper cgpath, create shapes animation using following steps:

  1. move path's "pen" center of circle
  2. add arc path addarcwithcenter startangle endangle
  3. add line path point on circle corresponding ending angle center
  4. change endangle fixed amount
  5. repeat steps 1-4

here's implementation of above steps:

override func didmove(to:skview) {      let circle = skshapenode(circleofradius: 50)     circle.fillcolor = skcolor.blue     circle.strokecolor = skcolor.clear     circle.zrotation = cgfloat.pi / 2     addchild(circle)      countdown(circle: circle, steps: 20, duration: 5) {         print("done")     } }  // creates animated countdown timer func countdown(circle:skshapenode, steps:int, duration:timeinterval, completion:@escaping ()->void) {     guard let path = circle.path else {         return     }     let radius = path.boundingbox.width/2     let timeinterval = duration/timeinterval(steps)     let incr = 1 / cgfloat(steps)     var percent = cgfloat(1.0)      let animate = skaction.run {         percent -= incr         circle.path = self.circle(radius: radius, percent:percent)     }     let wait = skaction.wait(forduration:timeinterval)     let action = skaction.sequence([wait, animate])      run(skaction.repeat(action,count:steps-1)) {         self.run(skaction.wait(forduration:timeinterval)) {             circle.path = nil             completion()         }     } }  // creates cgpath in shape of pie slices missing func circle(radius:cgfloat, percent:cgfloat) -> cgpath {     let start:cgfloat = 0     let end = cgfloat.pi * 2 * percent     let center = cgpoint.zero     let bezierpath = uibezierpath()     bezierpath.move(to:center)     bezierpath.addarc(withcenter:center, radius: radius, startangle: start, endangle: end, clockwise: true)     bezierpath.addline(to:center)     return bezierpath.cgpath } 

and video clip:

enter image description here


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