c# - AutoSuggestBox query selected textbox -

i using autosuggestbox control display results, such:

                <autosuggestbox width="192"                                 placeholdertext="search"                                 horizontalalignment="right"                                 itemssource="{binding searchresults}">                     <i:interaction.behaviors>                         ...                     </i:interaction.behaviors>                     <autosuggestbox.itemtemplate>                         <datatemplate>                             <textblock>                                 <run text="{binding name}" />                                 <run text="(" /><run text="{binding origin_country[0]}" /><run text=")" />                             </textblock>                         </datatemplate>                     </autosuggestbox.itemtemplate> 

searchresults (itemssource binding) defined such:

    private observablecollection<showmodel> _searchresults = default(observablecollection<showmodel>);     public observablecollection<showmodel> searchresults { { return _searchresults; } set { set(ref _searchresults, value); } } 

and showmodel basic model bindable properties.

the problem i'm having when i'm clicking on 1 of results, filling textbox path of model, seen below:

before selecting entry:

after selecting entry: enter image description here

what want define sort of template textbox bind 1 of model's properties model path not displayed. possible?

set textmemberpath property 1 of model's properties want display.



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