ios - xcodebuild stuck on codesign? how to disable prompt? -

i'm trying continuous integration set up, circleci ios. has done great job of writing details of this:

however, xcodebuild gets stuck, , looks it's waiting codesign:

/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign...

the log shows has been running on hour. guess that... command waiting input or something?

if so, how force use keychain i've created using distribution cert/private key ?

here's script ( looks like:

#!/bin/sh security -v create-keychain -p $key_password ios-build.keychain security -v import ./utils/build_tools/custom_builds/apple.cer -k ~/library/keychains/ios-build.keychain -t /usr/bin/codesign security -v import ./utils/build_tools/custom_builds/distribution.cer -k ~/library/keychains/ios-build.keychain -t /usr/bin/codesign security -v import ./utils/build_tools/custom_builds/distribution_cert_private_key.p12 -k ~/library/keychains/ios-build.keychain -p $key_password -t /usr/bin/codesign security -v list-keychain -s ~/library/keychains/ios-build.keychain security -v unlock-keychain -p $key_password ~/library/keychains/ios-build.keychain  mkdir -p ~/library/mobiledevice/provisioning\ profiles cp ./utils/build_tools/custom_builds/profile/* ~/library/mobiledevice/provisioning\ profiles/ ls ~/library/mobiledevice/provisioning\ profiles/ 

where i've stored $key_password on circle ci's environment vars , being recognized.

is causing pop prompt allow user use keychain or something? if so, supposed sudo everywhere? or how rid of this?

did not import correct certificates or something? incorrectly named or something? used exact ones use build normally.

you have confused p12_password , keychain_password! please see original version:

from there, see create-keychain , unlock-keychain use keychain_password, import use p12_password!

so need store 2 password , use them correctly!


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